Ogneva E. A.
Belgorod State University
Abstract. In the article the structure of orthodox religious discourse, its significant from the cognitive point of view components - the concept 'belief' and the subconcept 'pray' - are investigated. The necessity of the comparative, graphic modelling of the nominative field of a concept is proved. The degree of the distortion of the structure of the subconcept 'pray' while translating is determined.
Key words and phrases: православный религиозный дискурс, концепт "вера", субконцепт "молитва", компаративное графическое моделирование, номинативное поле концепта, степень искажения структуры субконцепта при переводе, orthodox religious discourse, concept "belief", subconcept "pray", comparative graphic modelling, nominative field of concept, degree of distortion of structure of subconcept while translating
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