Karmanova Anastasiya Aleksandrovna, Tabakov Konstantin Andreevich
Novosibirsk State University
Abstract. This paper is devoted to description of a conferences analysis system. The developed system automatically determines subject of conferences according to related text documents on the basis of an algorithm developed by the authors. The algorithm is based on the "bag of words" model, the ACM CCS taxonomy and takes into account the hierarchical structure of the dictionary of terms. The developed algorithm is also used when analyzing scientific interests of users. The system constructs individual recommendations. Besides, it contains a question-answer module, which provides users with the opportunity to get feedback.
Key words and phrases: тематическое моделирование, интеллектуальный анализ текста, рекомендательная система, таксономия, "мешок слов", вопросно-ответные системы, thematic modeling, intellectual analysis of text, recommendatory system, taxonomy, "bag of words", question-answer systems
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