Mel'nikova Galina Vladimirovna
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan in Kazan
Abstract. Perm Tatar dialect, which developed autonomously in foreign environment, has some similarities with the ancient Turkic language, and this fact is of interest from the viewpoint of the language history. To the ancient Turkic language the author refers a language recorded in the written monuments of the VII-XII centuries. The article is devoted to investigating Perm Tatar dialect vocabulary of the ancient Turkic period.
Key words and phrases: древнетюркский пласт, древнетюркский язык, пермский говор татарского языка, диалектная лексика, исторические пласты, ancient Turkic stratum, ancient Turkic language, Perm Tatar dialect, dialect vocabulary, historical strata
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