Abstract. Search for the means of enhancing the effectiveness of teaching the comprehension of a foreign text under the conditions of using an electronic textbook at the military higher education establishment is related to the solution of the complex of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and technical problems. The hypothesis of our research follows from the regulation on the need to combine controlled monitoring with controlled visibility in modeling the semantic problem solution: effectiveness of teaching the comprehension of a military scientific text is enhanced by the use of an electronic textbook having an optimal structure of the algorithm for a semantic problem solution and the complex of qualitatively new as to the content electronic exercises corresponding to it.
Key words and phrases: электронное пособие, понимание иноязычного военного научного текста, моделирование решения смысловой задачи, оптимальная структура алгоритма, управляемый контроль, управляемая наглядность, electronic textbook, comprehension of foreign-language military scientific text, modeling of semantic problem solution, optimal structure of algorithm, controlled monitoring, controlled visibility
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