Gilyazieva Evgeniya Azatovna, Pavlenko Tat'yana Aleksandrovna
Belgorod State National Research University
Abstract. The article considers the peculiarities of reflexion development in adolescence. The authors analyze A. V. Karpov’s theory on the development of reflexivity level, on which the diagnostic methodology of reflexion study is based. The data of the study of reflexion formation process in adolescence with the consideration of gender factor are represented. The revelation and analysis of the peculiarities of reflexion development as one of the central new formations of adolescence are carried out.
Key words and phrases: подросток, рефлексия, рефлексивность, гендерные особенности, уровни развития рефлексии, adolescent, reflexion, reflexivity, gender peculiarities, levels of reflexion development
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