Shesterneva Liliya Georgievna, Yanukovich Nataliya Nikolaevna
Belarusian State University, Minsk
Gymnasium № 31, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus
Abstract. The article considers the main linguo-stylistic features of the Belarusian Russian-language publicistic discourse. The authors argue that the language of the press is characterized by intertextuality (in the form of the inclusion of intertextual clich?s and stock phrases, entire texts or fragments in the form of quotations, allusions, reminiscences, etc. in the headlines and subheadings of the newspaper), language game, jargonization, the abundance of loanwords, the use of pun, etc.
Key words and phrases: публицистический дискурс, интертекстуальные клише и штампы, каламбур, языковая игра, эффект "обманутого ожидания", графон, publicistic discourse, intertextual clich?s and stock phrases, pun, language game, effect of "failed expectations", graphon
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