Nedugova Irina Anatol'evna
South Ural State University (Branch) in Miass
Abstract. The article considers the basic principles of hermeneutics satisfying the needs of modern scientific cognition. The determination unity of culture with the object identity of human "I" is substantiated. It is determined basing on hermeneutical circle that the reason of culture crisis is in the violation of the object identity of human "I". Hermeneutics as an approach to the analysis of culture enables constructing a model of cultural system taking into account the formation of the object identity of human "I".
Key words and phrases: предметная идентичность человеческого я, герменевтический круг, иллюзорность сознания, диссипатии культуры, истончение предметности, object identity of human "I", hermeneutic circle, illusory nature of consciousness, dissipation of culture, thinning of objectivity
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