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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 2. P. 541-550.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Visualization of precedent situations in an advertising poster (using the example of an Uber advertising campaign in France)

Anisimov Vladislav Evgen’evich, Anisimova Ekatherina Dmitrievna, Nebyvaeva Natalia Sergeevna
MGIMO University

RUDN University

Submitted: 06.01.2024
Abstract. The aim of this study is to identify ways to visualize precedent situations in a modern advertising poster. The article examines the visualization of precedent situations in a modern advertising poster. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time, using the material of advertising discourse and, in particular, French-language advertising discourse, the peculiarities of the functioning of precedent situations were investigated. The authors are first to describe and analyze the ways of functioning of precedent situations as pragmatic influence complex objects in the advertising discourse. Moreover, the authors considered the possible formats for presenting precedent situations, such as by mentioning precedent names, events, as well as appeals to them. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that a modern advertising poster has a specific structure, a binary semiotic space consisting of graphic and iconic components. The use of precedent situations within the framework of advertising discourse allows one to actualize the pragmatic function of the advertising poster, thereby emphasizing the advantages of using the advertised service, and also allows one to increase the attractive and pragmatic potential of the advertising poster in terms of the impact of this advertising object on the addressee.
Key words and phrases: рекламный дискурс, рекламный плакат, прецедентная ситуация, прецедентный феномен, визуализация, advertising discourse, advertising poster, precedent situation, precedent phenomenon, visualization
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