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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 2. P. 395-400.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Transformation and synthesis of mythological plots and images in the modern Chuvash dramatic fairy tale

Perepelkina Elena Petrovna, Yakimova Ekaterina Romanovna
Chuvash State University

Submitted: 15.12.2023
Abstract. The research aims to identify changes in mythological plots and images in modern Chuvash fairy-tale plays for children. The paper analyzes fairy-tale plays by Iosif Trer, Olga Turgay, and Elen Narby. As the genre background, the plots of fairy tales by Konstantin Ivanov, Efim Nikitin, and Mikhail Yukhma are considered. The paper is novel in that it is the first in Chuvash literary studies to analyze the characters and plots of modern stage fairy tales the heroes of which are mythological figures and which include story-lines from national folklore. The research findings showed that folklore is a rich cultural source for modern Chuvash literature. Ancient mythological plots and images, transforming and adapting to modern realities, receive a new interpretation, retain their relevance and acquire a different meaning. Using the motif of the hero’s disappearance and of his loved ones (bride, wife, father, etc.) looking for him, the authors created dozens of stage fairy tales. They present the ancient Chuvash mythological images of Pyulekhse, Esrel, Kiremet, etc., which are close to today’s life. Mythological plots, having received a new literary manifestation, are being revived on the modern stage.
Key words and phrases: литературная сказка, драматическая сказка, сказка-пьеса, мифологические сюжеты и образы, чувашские сказания, literary fairy tale, dramatic fairy tale, fairy-tale play, mythological plots and images, Chuvash legends
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