Structural and Semantic Types of Complex Syntactic Unities in Modern Media Texts (by the Material of the Tatar Language)
Giniyatullina Liliya Minnullovna, Shakurova Muslima Magesumovna
Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after G. Ibragimov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
Submitted: 02.11.2021
Abstract. The study aims to prove grammatical and semantic integrity of the components of complex syntactic unities in modern media texts. Using texts of the reports from the newspaper "Vatanym Tatarstan" ("My Homeland Tatarstan") and the media outlet "Tatar-Inform", the researchers consider the semantic relations between sentences of complex syntactic unities. Scientific novelty of the study lies in developing a new approach to analysing complex syntactic unities identified in modern media texts in the Tatar language, taking into account the interdependence of their structural and semantic features. As a result of the analysis, the functional-pragmatic essence of complex syntactic unities with different types of syntactic relations has been determined.
Key words and phrases: текст, сложное синтаксическое целое, медиатекст, структурные и грамматические средства связи, татарский язык, text, complex syntactic unity, media text, structural and grammatical connection means, Tatar language
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