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Лагосский университет, Нигерия
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Список литературы:
Adetugbo, A. "The Ideal in Language and Literature" in The Concepts of Ideals eds., Lagos: 1996.
Auerbach, Erich. "Odysseus' scar" in Quentin Anderson et.al. eds. The Proper Study: Essays on Western Classics. New York, St. Martins Press; 1962.
Contemporary Literary Criticism: Yearbook, 1986.
Gates, Henry Louis Jr. Loose Canons, Noteson The Culture wars. Oxford.- Oxford UP; 1992.
Lindfors, Bernth "Soyinka's Rockefeller Ride" Paper delivered in the Dept. Of English, University of Lagos; July, 2002.
Maduakor, Obi Wole Soyinka: An Introduction to his writing. Ibadan, Heinemann Educational Books Nigeria.
Moore, Gerald "The Transcription Centre in the Sixties; Navigating in Narrow Seas" Research in African Literature Vol. 3, No. 3 2002 c. 167-181.
Soyinka, Wole The Interpreters: Andre Deutsch, London; 1965.
Myth, Literature and the African World; Cambridge, Cambridge UP. 1976.
Poems of Black Africa: London; 1981.
Weilhelm, Odelberg Nobel Foundation: Stockholm: 2005.
Wilson, Edmund "The Historical Interpretation of Literature" in Twentieth Century Criticism: eds. Wiliams J. Handy and Max Westbrook. New York, Macmillian. - 1974.