The impact of digital technologies on the existence and development of new forms of communication (selfies)
Frolova Svetlana Mikhailovna, Nikolashkina Violetta Evgenievna
Kutafin Moscow State Law University
Submitted: 22.07.2024
Abstract. The research aims to determine the impact of digital technologies on the development of new forms of communication (including selfies) that respond to the needs of the modern individual. The article provides a theoretical reflection on the features of the development of information and communication technologies and their impact on meeting the communication needs of society. The negative consequences of screen-based and virtual communication are highlighted, and it is noted that digital technologies contribute to the development of a special form of communication aimed at presenting oneself to others through the posting of one’s photographs online. The scientific novelty of the work lies in identifying the ontological-social significance of the influence of digital technologies on the communicative component of modern society from the perspective of the gadget-defining component, where the electronic device acts as an intermediary, dictating new rules of behavior and methods of communication interaction. The article examines forms of interpersonal communication and communicative behavior strategies caused by the development of digital technologies, identifies the negative consequences of screen-based and visual communication, and offers ideas for overcoming them. As a result of the study, the authors concluded that selfies, as a special way of self-presentation and conveying information about oneself to others, are an important element of communication for the modern individual. This type of communication is determined by the development of digital technologies and is available to everyone, as it is not limited by national-cultural and language barriers. Selfies are a visualized text that does not require special erudition to understand, which explains both the positive and negative sides of this phenomenon. The authors believe that selfies will not lose their relevance in the future, therefore, considering them from the perspective of an integral and inevitable communicative component of modern existence will open up new horizons in the study of man and society, and also help minimize the negative consequences of using this type of information transmission.
Key words and phrases: селфи, самопрезентация, экранно-виртуальная коммуникация, селфи-зависимость, коммуникационные стратегии поведения, selfies, self-presentation, screen-based and visual communication, selfie addiction, communicative behavior strategies
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