Genesis of socialist realism: A historical pattern or a historical accident in the artistic and cultural space of the USSR?
Gontcharova Valeriya Andreevna, Orlov Igor Ivanovich
Lipetsk State Technical University
Submitted: 06.10.2023
Abstract. The authors consider the problem of the genesis of socialist realism as a cultural and artistic phenomenon of Soviet and world art. The aim of the study is to find an answer to the question whether the formation of social realism was a historical pattern or a historical accident in the artistic and cultural space of the USSR. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying the special features of the historical period under consideration (1930s) in comparison with earlier stages of socialist realism formation. As a result, the authors conclude that the method of socialist realism was supposed to re-unite the integral Russian cultural space split during the class revolutionary struggle on an artificially built “unified” basis of socialist realism.
Key words and phrases: социалистический реализм, Серебряный век, идеология, генезис, историческая случайность, революционный авангард, идейно-художественные программы, художественное пространство, эстетика революции, советское искусство, socialist realism, Silver Age, ideology, genesis, historical accident, revolutionary avant-garde, ideological and artistic programs, art space, aesthetics of the revolution, Soviet art
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