Features of the Soviet policy of medical presence on the Liaodong Peninsula (1947-1951)
Onetov Maksim Aleksandrovich
Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 15.10.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the features peculiar to the emergence of the “soft power” element of Soviet policy on the Liaodong Peninsula (Northeast China), which was achieved through the activities of Soviet-Chinese hospitals organized by the USSR. The paper analyzes certain aspects of the work of these hospitals, which makes it possible to determine whether the “soft power” of Soviet medicine was part of a purposeful policy or whether it arose only through the efforts of doctors. The analysis focuses on the economic features of the functioning of hospitals, the data on which are contained in the reports of their management. The scientific novelty of the study lies in providing insight into the specifics of the “soft power” based on the activities of Soviet medicine and the conditions in which it could arise by analyzing a separate case of the Soviet presence on the territory of another state (China) as an example. The results of the study allow the researcher to conclude that the effect of the “soft power” of Soviet medicine on the Liaodong Peninsula was achieved due to the professionalism of doctors and their dedication to the spirit of internationalism, but was not the result of a special policy of the Soviet leadership to promote and popularize Soviet medicine. Problems with the supply of hospitals reflected in a constant lack of medicines and equipment, a shortage of medical personnel, along with other features of the hospitals’ activities, indicate that the Soviet leadership had little interest in spreading its influence among the Chinese population through medicine.
Key words and phrases: мягкая сила, Ляодунский полуостров, Советский Красный Крест, Северо-Восточный Китай, soft power, Liaodong Peninsula, Soviet Red Cross, Northeast China
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