Study of the Problem of Musical Art Impact on a Personality in the 20th Century: A Retrospective Analysis
Gorbulich Galina Valentinovna
Lugansk State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 12.10.2022
Abstract. The aim of the article is a retrospective analysis of studying the problem of musical art impact on a personality in the 20th century. The scientific novelty lies in the view on musical art in relation to a person as an essential self-manifestation of culture, which holistically introduces a person into the cultural world, familiarizes him with the internal tendencies of its development. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that music is a unique means of understanding the world and a person, since it addresses a specific perceiving consciousness, contributing to its self-disclosure, self-knowledge and, at the same time, introducing it to what the composer wanted to express. Revealing the spiritual abilities of a person, music affirms his inherent worth as a personality.
Key words and phrases: музыкальное искусство, личность, самопроявление культуры, воспринимающее сознание, musical art, personality, self-manifestation of culture, perceiving consciousness
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