Last Monarch of Russia and His Subjects: Evolution of Monarchy Self-Presentation
Kruzhalina Anastasiia Alekseevna
Irkutsk State University
Submitted: 07.07.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to identify specificity of the monarchy image presentation in the Russian Empire during the reign of Nicholas II. The article traces evolution of the imperial self-presentation strategy. Special attention is paid to identifying common and specific features of the monarchy image presentation among the nobility and the peasantry. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the author provides a comprehensive analysis of this problem using a wide range of sources, which makes it possible to identify the key principles of the monarch’s relationships with his subjects, to reveal the factors influencing their formation. As a result, it is shown that attempts of the last monarch of Russia to revive the conservative doctrine of unity of the monarch and the nation were fully in tune with public interest, but were resisted among the aristocracy and the landed gentry.
Key words and phrases: Николай II, репрезентация монархии, власть и общество, концепция самодержавия, Nicholas II, monarchy image presentation, power and society, autocracy conception
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