"Free Creativity" as Means to Overcome Urgent Problem of Estrangement in the Modern World
Serikov Vasilii Vasilievitch, Pivovarova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Far Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 09.02.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to identify the role of free creativity as a means to overcome the problem of estrangement relevant to the modern society. The article traces evolution of the notion "estrangement" introduced by G. Hegel, developed by K. Marx and E. Fromm and still considered relevant in the XXI century. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that free creativity, as distinguished from creative work, is considered as a means to solve the problem of estrangement. As a result, the authors conclude that free creativity, not focused on satisfying essential human needs, helps to solve the problem of estrangement and to strengthen an individual’s social identity.
Key words and phrases: отчуждение, Г. Гегель, К. Маркс, Э. Фромм, свободное творчество, estrangement, G. Hegel, K. Marx, E. Fromm, free creativity
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