Life beyond Time: Non-Temporal Self-Perception in Patristic Philosophy
Dyachenko Olga Nikolaevna
Kursk State University
Submitted: 05.07.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal understanding of time and age in the patristic period and in the modern epoch. Scientific originality of the study involves justifying the thesis that in medieval understanding, age is not a temporal but meaningful concept which determines an individual’s self-attitude actualizing the purpose of his earthly existence. The conducted research allows drawing the following conclusions: contemporary perception of age and time is strictly negative; in medieval philosophy, age and time are considered as antonymous and paradoxical conceptions, but age does not influence an individual’s self-perception and his world outlook, which is explained by the fact that a medieval human is free from stereotypes of ageism typical of modern humans.
Key words and phrases: возраст, время, человек, средневековое миропонимание, философия патристики, age, time, human being, medieval worldview, patristic philosophy
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