The Russian Methodist Community in Manchukuo (1932-1945)
Rodionova Kseniia Igorevna
Far Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 15.05.2021
Abstract. The article discusses life of the Russian Community of the Methodist Episcopal Church on the Chinese soil under the Japanese rule. The Methodist Mission operated in Manchuria from 1923 to 1927, during that time it was preaching actively. Despite the Mission closure and the American pastors departure, the Community of the Russian Methodists continued to work in the 1930s. The purpose of the research is to recreate the main stages of the activities undertaken by the Russian Methodist Community during the Japanese occupation of Manchuria. The research is novel in that it is the first to reconstruct the history of the Russian Methodist Community in the Manchukuo period, to provide new facts and introduce new sources into scientific use. As a result, periodisation of the Russian Methodists’ religious life is presented; the main reasons for the Church’s activities termination are named.
Key words and phrases: методисты, Маньчжурия, Харбин, Методистская епископальная церковь, Маньчжоу-Го, Methodists, Manchuria, Harbin, Methodist Episcopal Church, Manchukuo
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