Systemic and Structural Analysis of Works of Public and Land Art
Podolskaya Ksenya Sergeevna
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Submitted: 02.06.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to determine particular aspects of using a systemic and structural analysis in works of public and land art. The second half of the XX - early XXI century saw change in approaches to artistic works creation. Modern art practice gravitates not towards art types division but to their synthesis, with ever increasing frequency, artists are not only combining classical artistic devices taken from different types of art in one work, but also inventing their own artistic techniques, expanding author’s expressive means capabilities. Moreover, the artist’s and the viewer’s focuses shift from material essence of an object to the situation that this object can, in some way or another, generate through special connection with space and the viewer. This leads to emergence of objects to which it is impossible to apply classical morphology of art, hampers their analysis. Works of public and land art are among the most common modern art forms that exhibit this trend. The researcher believes that the most effective method of analysing such works is the systemic and structural one. Scientific novelty of the article lies in examining particular aspects of applying a systemic and structural analysis to works of public and land art. As a result, it is proved that this method use in an analysis of artistic works that can be characterised as objects of public and land art contributes to a deeper study of modern artistic forms, to identifying features of such objects.
Key words and phrases: паблик-арт, лэнд-арт, скульптура, надвидовая художественная структура, системно-структурный анализ, public art, land art, sculpture, unclassifiable artistic structure, systemic and structural analysis
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