Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify features of interreligious dialogue in cultural environment of the Arabic-speaking countries of the Middle East in the VII-XIII centuries. Scientific novelty is associated with typology of dialogue as applied to examples of interreligious communication in the Middle East during the said time period. Dialogical principles in this cultural environment are considered using the example of the activities undertaken by the major thinkers in the history of the Christian apologetics. As a result of the study, it is found that the main types of interreligious dialogue of the VII-XIII centuries in the Middle East are: discursive dialogue, "dialogue of truth" and "necessary" dialogue.
Key words and phrases: Ближний Восток, религиозные практики, диалог, этнокультурная идентичность, VII-XIII века, Middle East, VII-XIII centuries, religious practices, dialogue, ethnocultural identity
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