Theoretical Vectors of State Cognition: From Disciplinary to Interdisciplinary-Integrative One
Taranova Aleksandra Evgenievna
Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Interior of Russia
Submitted: 13.12.2020
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to reconstruct theoretical constants of the state cognition at the conjunction of philosophy and legal science in various types of scientific rationality (classical, non-classical, post-non-classical). Scientific novelty lies in identifying forms of the state cognition (syncretism, disciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and integrativity) through the lens of historical dynamics of philosophy and philosophical foundations of legal science, its modern anthropologisation. The methodological vectors identified as a result of the research make it possible to substantiate heuristic nature of the interdisciplinary-integrative study of the state in the context of establishment of post-classical philosophical and methodological foundations of legal science.
Key words and phrases: государство, юридическая наука, позитивизм, междисциплинарность, типы научной рациональности, state, legal science, positivism, interdisciplinarity, types of scientific rationality
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