1917 Revolutionary Events in the Russian Literature Representatives’ Perception (by the Example of the Voronezh Writer E. M. Militsyna’s Creative Work)
Chikina Irina Ivanovna
Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G. F. Morozov
Submitted: 01.06.2021
Abstract. The study aims to analyse and summarise perception of the 1917 revolutionary events by the creative intelligentsia and its embodiment in the Russian writers’ literary heritage. Scientific novelty of the study lies in conducting a comprehensive analysis of archival materials, writers’ diaries, contemporaries’ memoirs and literary works. By analysing the Voronezh writer E. M. Militsyna’s sources of personal origin and publicistic works, it is possible to recreate her enthusiastic attitude to the 1917 revolutionary events, to capture subsequent regressive change in her views that occurred under the influence of the revolutionary reality, the writer’s reflection concerning disappointment in and subsequent reconciliation with the reality. As a result, it is proved that internal contradictions in the attitude of a prominent representative of the Russian creative intelligentsia to the revolution are a valuable source that allows the researchers to study socio-psychological nature of the particular epoch.
Key words and phrases: революционные события 1917 г, публицистика, восприятие революции, Е. М. Милицына, эволюция взглядов, 1917 revolutionary events, publicistic works, revolution perception, E. M. Militsyna, evolution of views
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