Issue of Ethnic Identity Transformation among the Serving Mishars of the Southern Urals in the Second Half of the XIX - Early XX Century
Kilmamatov Ruslan Ramilevich
Bashkir State University
Submitted: 24.04.2021
Abstract. The study aims to determine causes and consequences of transformational changes in ethnic identity among the serving Mishars of the Southern Urals in the second half of the XIX - early XX century. The work is novel in that it is the first to consider changes in ethnic identity of the Southern Urals serving Mishars in connection with peculiarities of the military-service status, political-administrative and other specific historical factors on the basis of archival sources and works of ethnologists of the XIX-XXI centuries. As a result, the researcher has identified the reasons that contributed to ethnic identity transformation among the serving Mishars and provided rationale for their objective regularity.
Key words and phrases: служилые мишари, Южный Урал, этническая идентичность, этническая трансформация, serving Mishars, Southern Urals, ethnic identity, ethnic transformation
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