Boys’ Education in Samurai Families in the Tokugawa Period (by the Material of "Wazoku Dojikun" by Kaibara Ekken)
Sharova Anna Borisovna
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Submitted: 02.04.2021
Abstract. The article analyses the treatise "Wazoku Dojikun" ("Teaching on Children’s Education Traditions in Japan") by Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714), the Japanese botanist and philosopher of the Tokugawa period (1603-1868). The paper tries to answer the question: what knowledge, skills and abilities a boy should have possessed to be successfully integrated into the Edo society. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the researcher examines Kaibara Ekken’s treatise, to be more exact, its third volume, for the first time in the domestic Japanology. The research findings are as follows: the author has investigated samurai boys’ education, which, according to Kaibara Ekken, secured their successful integration into the Edo society, allowed them to preserve and strengthen traditional family values.
Key words and phrases: период Токугава, Кайбара Экикэн, "Вадзоку додзикун", воспитание мальчиков в самурайских семьях, "Wazoku Dojikun", Tokugawa period, Kaibara Ekken, boys’ education in samurai families
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