Foreign Policy Contradictions between the United States and the Russian Federation in Transcaucasia and the Black Sea Region in the XXI Century
Shakirov Elchin Nuraddin oglu, Penkovtsev Roman Vladimirovich
Kazan Federal University
Submitted: 27.04.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to determine essence of foreign policy contradictions between the United States and the Russian Federation in Transcaucasia and the Black Sea region in the XXI century. The article examines the USA’s actions to strengthen influence on the post-Soviet space. Special attention is paid to contradictory nature of the Russian-American relations in the regional context. The study is novel in that it is the first to present a comprehensive analysis of foreign policy contradictions between the United States and the Russian Federation in the XXI century in the light of modern events. As a result, the study proves that overwhelming power of the United States in an attempt to put pressure on Russia is of illusory nature. It is noted that the goal of Russia’s policy is to weaken hegemony of the United States and accelerate the process of forming the multipolar world.
Key words and phrases: международные отношения, Средняя Азия, Закавказье, Черноморский регион, Российская Федерация, international relations, Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Black Sea region, Russian Federation
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