Russia and China: From International Cooperation to International Dialogue
Bogodukhova Ekaterina Evgenievna, Fomina Marina Nikolaevna
Transbaikal State University
Submitted: 09.04.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to provide rationale for ontological and gnoseological foundations of the Russian-Chinese dialogue under the present-day conditions. The article is concerned with studying formation of the Russian-Chinese dialogue in the context of the Russian-Chinese relations in recent years. Scientific novelty of the article lies in conducting a philosophical analysis of bilateral analytical documents from 2002 to 2020 which cover the section of the humanitarian area of cooperation. As a result of the study, it was found that with the existing Russian-Chinese humanitarian areas having equal opportunities, one can note not only positive aspects of the programmes implementation but also issues that arise at the worldview level.
Key words and phrases: российско-китайский диалог, гуманитарное международное сотрудничество, межкультурное сотрудничество, Russian-Chinese dialogue, humanitarian international cooperation, intercultural cooperation
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