Philosophical Prognosis on Interaction between Humanity and Artificial Intelligence
Sterledeva Tamara Dmitrievna, Sterledev Roman Konstantinovich
Perm National Research Polytechnical University
E. A. Vagner Perm State Medical University
Submitted: 07.03.2021
Abstract. The research objective is as follows: relying on philosophical methods, the authors try to develop a philosophical prognosis on interaction between the humanity and artificial intelligence (AI). Possible models of such interaction are identified. Special attention is paid to analysing subjective-objective foundations of human-AI interaction. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the problem of a philosophical prognosis on human-AI interaction is considered through the lens of the categories "objectivity" and "subjectivity". Functional specificity of human-AI interaction is revealed. The research findings are as follows: the authors propose a philosophical hypothesis on inevitable clash between the human and AI. Recommendations on developing innovative education allowing humans to control AI are suggested.
Key words and phrases: техносфера, искусственный интеллект, объектность, субъектность, система образования, technosphere, artificial intelligence, objectivity, subjectivity, education system
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