From Traditional Culture to Global Community: Personality Aspect
Demyasheva Lyudmila Sergeevna, Ryazanov Alexander Vladimirovich
Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin, Branch of RANEPA
Submitted: 18.02.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to reveal the mechanism of the movement of traditional culture in the direction of modernity. The authors focus on the internal factors underlying stability of traditional culture and also point to the reasons that became a source of its transformation. Scientific novelty of the article lies in interdisciplinary consideration of the issue with involvement of works by the modern Russian and Western experts. Special attention is paid to consequences of changing the balance of I and We identities in the modern global society. As a result of the study, the features of their influence on a personality’s development towards growth of its individual principle, connection of this process with discourse and spread of modern communication technologies are shown.
Key words and phrases: традиционная культура, изменение баланса Я и Мы, динамика, глобализация, средства массовой информации и коммуникации, traditional culture, changes in balance of I and We, dynamics, globalisation, mass media and communication means
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