Pavlovskij Aleksej Igorevich
Tyumen State University
Submitted: 24.02.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal foundations for phenomenological understanding of values, a promising alternative to the essentialist approach, less flexible in studying modern realia. Scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that affective characteristic of a worldview element is for the first time considered as an autonomous "meaning", which makes it possible to interpret values as special signs and to develop their hierarchy according to internal logic of digital reality. The research findings are as follows: the author introduces the notion "basic values of worldview"; these values are inherent to a particular worldview and can serve as a basis to compare cultures.
Key words and phrases: аксиологический субъект, знак, картина мира, феноменализм, ценности, axiological subject, sign, worldview, phenomenalism, values
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