Ethnic and Confessional Solidarity in the Russian Turkic-Muslim World History (by the Example of the Volga Tatars’ History)
Korshunova Olga Nikolayevna, Salimgareev Maxim Vladimirovich
Kazan National Research University of Technology
Submitted: 11.10.2021
Abstract. The aim of the study is to analyse the historical contours of solidarity between the Muslim Turks of Russia in the context of the challenges they have faced. The scientific originality lies in studying the ethnic and confessional solidarity of the Muslims of Turkic origin in a particular region through the methodological lens of their socio-cultural adaptation to the historical reality. One of the problem-thematic blocks of the article presents the history of Pan-Turkism formation, the factors of the development of identity and mentality of the Muslim peoples of Russia (by the example of the Volga region). As a result of the study, the factors of the formation of identity and mentality of the Muslim peoples in the Volga region have been identified. Attention is focused on the historically long, although sometimes conflict, ethno-confessional interaction as a constant of national civilization, as well as on common history of peoples. Dispersion of settlement was a significant factor in the formation of identity of the Muslim Tatars in Russia and in the Volga region.
Key words and phrases: конфессия, солидарность, идентичность, пантюркизм, татары, confession, solidarity, identity, pan-Turkism, the Tatars
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