Methodology for Describing Works of Decorative and Applied Art in Restorers’ Professional Training
Shchipina Rimma Vladimirovna
St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture
Submitted: 28.09.2021
Abstract. The research aims to reveal the methodological features of describing works of decorative and applied art in restorers’ professional training. The multicomponent nature of the research object determines the features peculiar to the methodology for describing works of decorative and applied art, which corresponds to the tasks of forming restorers’ professional competencies. Scientific novelty lies in identifying the specificity of an interdisciplinary approach to describing works of decorative and applied art in restoration documents, historical overviews of the object of restoration, as well as for the purposes of popularising movable objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments). The research findings are as follows: the scope of application of art studies methods in identifying the artistic and aesthetic significance of works of decorative and applied art in diagnostic examination used in scientific restoration has been outlined.
Key words and phrases: методика описания, декоративно-прикладное искусство, реставрация, диагностическая экспертиза, художественная значимость, description methodology, decorative and applied art, restoration, diagnostic examination, artistic significance
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