Culturological Projections of Christian Religious and Mystical Experience
Shugurov Mark Vladimirovich, Kostina Olga Viktorovna
Saratov State Law Academy
Submitted: 22.10.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to analyze the heuristic potential of the Christian religious and mystical experience comprehension through the subject of culturology. The authors focus on the culturological approach to this experience which is conceptualized as a cultural tradition. Particular attention is paid to the Christian mysticism as spiritual and at the same time cultural heritage. The scientific originality of the research consists in the complex analysis of the place of culturological knowledge and cognition in the interdisciplinary space of the Christian religious and mystical experience comprehension. Particular importance is given to the interdisciplinary interaction between culturology and philosophy of culture in relation to defining the role of mystical experience in Christian culture. As a result, it has been proved that culturological projections of the Christian religious and mystical experience as a subject of culturology form a multifaceted system presented not only by the variety of artifacts, but also by the unique manifestation of transcendent basis of human culture.
Key words and phrases: культурология, христианский религиозно-мистический опыт, коммуникация Бога и человека, сущность культуры, culturology, Christian religious and mystical experience, communication between God and person, essence of culture
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