Charity as a Resource for Development and Mitigation of Social Divisions
Sigachev Maksim Igorevich, Bardin Andrei Leonidovich
Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 14.10.2021
Abstract. The study aims to conceptualise the phenomenon of charity as a factor contributing to mitigation of social divisions in the context of current socio-political transformations. The researchers attempt to analyse the process of philanthropy institutionalisation both in the context of regional features peculiar to individual countries and in the frame of global social transformation processes of today’s world order. The study is novel in that it presents the authors’ four-part classification of charity types. The following four types of charity are distinguished: civic charity, corporate charity, state charity and church charity, specified by such concepts introduced into use as charity solidarism, charity corporatism, charity statism and charity clericalism. As a result, the researchers conclude that social "philanthropisation" reflects fundamental changes in the structure of contemporary society associated with the crisis of the social state and capitalism, which leads to an increase in social inequality and further social divisions.
Key words and phrases: гражданская благотворительность, корпоративная благотворительность, филантропия, социальные размежевания, гражданское общество, civic charity, corporate charity, philanthropy, social divisions, civic society
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