Afanasyeva Maria Anatolyevna
Ivanovo State University
Submitted: 13.10.2021
Abstract. The aim of the article is to reveal the structure of religious security using the method of systemic representation. The article considers the phenomenon of religious security as being of great importance for security in the modern world. External and internal factors of religious security are considered in order to study the impact of globalization processes. The connection with the system approach is taken into account, and the examples of global religious problems and processes are given while studying each factor of religious security. The scientific originality lies in comprehensive and structural study of the phenomenon of religious security from the socio-philosophical point of view. As a result, it was proved that the structure of religious security consists of five levels, has not only internal and external aspects of its existence and development, but also the aspect of integrity, revealing the influence of the religious factor on security in general.
Key words and phrases: религиозная безопасность, глобализация, религиозное сознание, системный подход, religious security, globalization, religious consciousness, system approach
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