Small-Numbered Peoples of the North of Yakutia’s Arctic Regions in Urbanisation Processes of the Middle of the XX Century
Grigorev Stepan Alekseevich
Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North, SB RAS
Submitted: 18.10.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to shed light on the demographic and urbanisation processes among small-numbered peoples that took place in the North of Yakutia in the 1930s-1950s. The paper considers the general situation that developed by the middle of the XX century, as well as the factors that influenced the formation of the ethnic landscape in the studied region. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that social transformations in the Arctic regions, as well as the role that local aboriginal ethnic groups played in the said processes during the specified period have not yet become a separate object of study. The research findings present the socio-demographic picture that has developed in the circumpolar regions of Yakutia at the initial stage of the large-scale industrial development of the Arctic.
Key words and phrases: Якутия, Арктика, аборигенные этносы, демографические процессы, урбанизация, Yakutia, the Arctic, aboriginal ethnic groups, demographic processes, urbanisation
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