Social Estate Nature of Punishments in the Russian Army before the First World War
Tuarmenskij Vladimir Viktorovich
Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Submitted: 15.10.2021
Abstract. The study aims to determine the nature of the practice of punishing the military personnel of the Russian army on the eve of the First World War based on the analysis of official statistical data and memoirs of contemporaries. The paper examines data on all military units of the Russian Empire. As a part of the study, a comparative analysis of the nature of crimes committed by the service members of the Russian army was carried out. The second part of the analysis of statistical material concerned the comparison of punishments reserved for generals, officers, class ranks and lower ranks on the eve of the First World War. Scientific novelty of the study lies in conducting a comprehensive analysis of military statistics on the practice of punishment in the Russian army on the eve of the First World War. As a result, the researcher has proved the assumption that the practice of punishment in the Russian army of the era was of social estate nature.
Key words and phrases: военная статистика, русская армия, исполнение наказаний, сословия, Первая мировая война, military statistics, Russian army, execution of punishments, social estates, First World War
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