Composition and Number of the Electoral Assembly of Chistopol in 1872-1892
Nedorezov Mikhail Viktorovich
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "Kazan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences"
Submitted: 18.09.2021
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine which social strata were represented and predominated in the electoral assembly of the uyezd by the example of Chistopol. The number of the assembly in dynamics, its estate and class composition, the real number of voters in the elections are shown; the comparisons are made with larger cities. The originality of the work lies in the research object: the most of the researchers examined in detail only the composition of the municipal self-government bodies of provincial or capital cities; this article considers it on the basis of sources for the uyezd centre, in which the composition of electoral assemblies was significantly different. It was concluded that the representation of the townspeople in the assembly adequately reflected the social structure of the town.
Key words and phrases: Казанская губерния, Чистополь, уездный город, городское самоуправление, избирательное собрание, Kazan province, Chistopol, uyezd, municipal self-government, electoral assembly
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