Ways to Optimize Motion Design of Project When Creating Operative Graphics for Television
Borisov Alexey Vladimirovich
TV channel "Russia-Culture"
Submitted: 23.09.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to identify the peculiarities and features of animated graphics and its role in modern television. The scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that it determines the advantages of animated graphics over static one, describes the usage of neural networks and artificial intelligence when creating animated graphics, optimization of projects for Adobe After Effects and work of the powerful instrument Dynamic Link for the first time. The study also considers ways to accelerate creation and animation of projects, which include the usage of samples. As a result, it has been proved that without design projects and animation, it is nearly impossible to realize an idea when it is necessary to provide a viewer with a large amount of monotonous information, especially when it is related to numbers and dates. Operative graphics is considered a powerful and complicated informational instrument which has been created as a result of technological development and addition to the ways to perceive information conveyed to the viewer.
Key words and phrases: анимационная графика, проект, нейросеть, программа, animated graphics, project, neural network, programme
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