Style Characteristics of Chinese Cantonese Export Furniture of the Middle of the XVIII - the First Third of the XIX Century
Brovko Ekaterina Mikhailovna
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Submitted: 04.10.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to identify style characteristics of Chinese Cantonese export furniture of the middle of the XVIII - the first third of the XIX century. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in domestic art criticism the author describes the styles of Chinese Cantonese export furniture of the middle of the XVIII - the first third of the XIX century. As a result, it is shown that Chinese Cantonese export furniture of the middle of the XVIII - the first third of the XIX century imitates West-European artistic styles of that time - Baroque, Rococo and Neo-Classicism, but it is made using traditional Chinese lacquer techniques and d?cor elements. This allows identifying the styles of Chinese Cantonese export furniture of the middle of the XVIII - the first third of the XIX century: Chinese Cantonese imitational style, Chinese Cantonese replications of Chippendale style, Chinese Cantonese replications of Hepplewhite style, Chinese Cantonese replications of English imitational style of the first third of the XVIII century.
Key words and phrases: китайская/кантонская экспортная мебель середины XVIII - первой трети XIX в., китайский/кантонский имитационный стиль, китайская/кантонская репликация стиля "Чиппендейл", китайская/кантонская репликация стиля "Хэпплуайт", китайская/кантонская репликация английского имитационного стиля первой трети XVIII в., Chinese Cantonese export furniture of the middle of the XVIII - the first third of the XIX century, Chinese Cantonese imitational style, Chinese Cantonese replications of Chippendale style, Chinese Cantonese replications of Hepplewhite style, Chinese Cantonese replications of English imitational style of the first third of the XVIII century
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