Agrarian History of North-Eastern China: Manchukuo Period (1932-1945)
Beloglazov Gennady Petrovich
Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 01.10.2021
Abstract. The article compensates the lack of domestic studies on reorganization of agrarian complex of North-Eastern China (Manchuria) in Manchukuo period. The analysis is conducted through the prism of transformation of regional agrarian structures. The author considers a poorly investigated problem, introduces new factual material into scientific circulation, proposes a contemporary vision of agrarian transformations in China and Eastern countries, and herein lies scientific originality of the study. The conducted research allows concluding that in Manchukuo period Japanese occupation authorities wanted to solve social-agrarian problems of Manchurian countryside within the framework of traditional agricultural relations; they did not try to change social structure, land owning and land use system but strengthened colonial exploitation of peasantry. Such a policy resulted in degradation of agrarian sector and social sphere of North-Eastern China.
Key words and phrases: Маньчжоуго, японская оккупация, аграрный строй, аграрные отношения, сельский социум, Manchukuo, Japanese occupation, agrarian system, agrarian relations, rural population
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