Origins of Public Mutual Assistance as a Form of Social Solidarity of the Russians
Grigoryev Valeriy Sergeevich
Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I. Ya. Yakovlev
Submitted: 04.09.2021
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the role of the historical tradition of social mutual assistance of the Russians in promoting social cohesion of people and overcoming difficulties in the development of the state and society. The article examines the historical processes of the formation of the Russians’ important folk tradition - public mutual assistance, which from ancient times contributed to the development of ethnic groups on the territory of modern Russia, which significantly influenced the mental traits of people, performing important functions of social protection of people. The scientific originality of the research consists in the generalization of empirical material about history of the formation of mutual assistance traditions since ancient times, the Middle Ages and the New Age; the article presents well-grounded conclusions about the historical continuity of the traditions and mentality of the Russians. As a result, it was proved that the formation of the territory and statehood of Russia was initially accompanied by the active development of community and public mutual assistance of people, the formation of humanistic values and willingness to defend their native land. State structures at all stages of history have used the traditions of mutual assistance to strengthen the socio-economic position of the country, to develop people’s solidarity in the process of common creative activity.
Key words and phrases: общинная взаимопомощь, сплочённость общества, развитие государственности, кресткомы, использование взаимопомощи в социальной политике, community mutual assistance, social cohesion, development of statehood, crosscoms, using mutual assistance in social policy
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