On the Origins of Viennese Waltz: Franz Schubert’s Dance Cycles
Guo Qing
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Submitted: 10.08.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to prove that Franz Schubert’s dances can be considered as genre and style predecessors of Viennese waltz. The researcher analyzes German folk dances (Landler), identifies their common features (tonal plane, prosodic patterns), and herein lies scientific originality of the study. The research findings are as follows: the author shows that Schubert’s tripartite dances are characterized by cyclicity, which allows considering them the direct predecessors of Viennese waltz.
Key words and phrases: венский вальс, лендлер, менуэт, Франц Шуберт, Viennese waltz, L?ndler, minuet, Franz Schubert
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