Man the Manifestor: Existential Aspects of Manifestation
Valuev Dmitry Georgiyevich
V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Submitted: 05.09.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to consider manifestation as an expression of a certain way of human existence in culture. Scientific novelty lies in identifying the distinctive features of manifest existence by considering a number of manifestation examples. As a result of the study, it has been shown that manifest existence unfolds in a situation of experiencing actual reality as a threat to one’s own existence in the context of the hope of escaping it. The distinctive features of such an existence are formulated: non-duration, breakthrough, ecstatic and repressive nature. The researcher determines the basic requirements for successful manifestation and exemplifies the impossibility of implementing the manifest meaning, manifestation failure.
Key words and phrases: манифестация, манифестарное существование, форма манифестации, экстаз, трагедия манифестации, manifestation, manifest existence, form of manifestation, ecstasy, tragedy of manifestation
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