Intercultural Activity of Mariinsky Theatre Primorsky Stage
Fidenko Yulia Leonidovna
Far Eastern State Institute of Arts
Submitted: 25.10.2020
Abstract. The article examines activity of Mariinsky Theatre Primorsky Stage in the context of intercultural dialogue in the Asian-Pacific region. The researcher’s attention is focused on the following issues: the theatre repertoire policy, the role of festival movement in developing creative cooperation between Russia and countries of North-eastern Asia. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in domestic musicology, the author analyses essential characteristics of intercultural activity of the youngest theatre in the country. The following conclusions are justified: Vladivostok theatre cross-cultural strategy makes it possible to consider this scenic concert venue the epicentre of cultural life of the Russian Far East.
Key words and phrases: Приморская сцена Мариинского театра, кросс-культурная коммуникация, творческий диалог, Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион, Mariinsky Theatre Primorsky Stage, cross-cultural communication, creative dialogue, Asian-Pacific region
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