V. A. Serov’s "Girl with Peaches": Message of the Portrait Painting (Philosophical and Art Criticism Analysis)
Dmitrieva Natalya Yurievna
Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev
Submitted: 09.12.2020
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to determine the message of V. A. Serov’s portrait painting of 1887 "Girl with Peaches". Continuously studying the content of the index, iconic and symbolic levels of the sign structure of V. A. Serov’s literary text in dialectical unity of sign and meaning, the researcher was able to formulate the idea of integral artistic image of the work. Scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that for the first time a structural analysis of semantic structure of V. A. Serov’s work, based on Ch. S. Peirce’s sign classification, is undertaken. As a result, it was found that the idea of artistic image of the portrait painting is expressed in dialectic of the particular finite human principle and the universal infinite principle, presented in the work as a teenage girl’s transition from the childhood stage in the ongoing cyclical movement of being.
Key words and phrases: Валентин Александрович Серов (1865-1911), "Девочка с персиками", философско-искусствоведческий анализ, знаковая структура художественного текста, Valentin Alexandrovich Serov (1865-1911), "Girl with Peaches", philosophical and art criticism analysis, sign structure of literary text
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