Kornelije Stankovi?’s Adaptations of the Serbian Folk Songs
Evdokimova Alla Alekseevna
Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatory named after M. I. Glinka
Submitted: 29.11.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal specificity of Kornelije Stankovi?’s adaptations of the Serbian folk songs. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the researcher introduces the Serbian folk songs recorded and adopted by Kornelije Stankovi? in the middle of the XIX century into scientific circulation. These songs are little known in Russia. The conducted analysis allows concluding that chordal harmonic texture of Stankovi?’s piano versions is suitable for a four-part a cappella chorus. Homophonic-harmonic texture of piano versions is of choral nature and is chordal three-part polyphony with accompaniment. Stankovi?’s instrumentation most accurately represents melodic peculiarities of the Serbian songs, preserving their tonal harmonic system and introducing modality and variability of functions. Stankovi?’s approach to the folk song adaptation was adopted by the Serbian composers.
Key words and phrases: Корнелий Станкович, сербские народные песни, тонально-гармоническая система, фактура, период, Kornelije Stankovi?, Serbian folk songs, tonal harmonic system, texture, period
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