Place and Role of the Academic Islamic Studies in the System of Islamic Education
Yakhyaev Mukhtar Yakhyaevich, Baysaidova Gabibat Baysaidovna
Dagestan State University
Submitted: 27.11.2020
Abstract. The research objectives are as follows: to analyse the state of the Islamic education in modern Russia, to reveal its specificity, to highlight the role of the academic Islamic studies in the Islamic educational space. The growing problems of the Islamic education are largely explained by the fact that educational process in the Islamic educational institutions is carried out exclusively on the basis of the confessional Islamic studies, without taking into account achievements of the academic Islamic studies focused on such issues as the Islamic dogmatics, history and modern state of Islam, its development trends. In this connection, the article justifies urgent necessity to introduce the scientific component into the currently forming system of the Islamic education. Scientific originality of the study involves analysing the current situation in the sphere of the Islamic education taking into account the basic tendencies of the Russian Islamic studies development. The research findings are as follows: the authors justify the necessity to include results of the academic Islamic studies, an integral part of religious studies, into educational standards, curricula, working programmes of the religious disciplines implemented in the system of the Islamic education.
Key words and phrases: исламское образование, конфессиональное исламоведение, научное исламоведение, Islamic education, confessional Islamic studies, academic Islamic studies
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