A. I. Galanin as a Regional Ethnographer and Educator (on the History of Togliatti Regional Studies)
Buraya Inna Viktorovna
The Lyceum of Arts
Submitted: 14.07.2020
Abstract. The paper identifies stages and reveals specificity of regional activity of A. I. Galanin, one of the leading regional ethnographers of Togliatti, in the 1960s - at the beginning of the 1980s. Special attention is paid to the period of 1919-1953, in which, as documents testify, he asserted himself as a regional ethnographer. Scientific originality of the study is conditioned by the fact that it contains the most complete A. I. Galanin’s biography considered through the prism of socio-political and cultural problematics of the Soviet epoch. The research findings are as follows: the author traces genesis of A. I. Galanin’s educational and regional activity, identifies and describes its stages, which allows filling certain gaps in the history of Togliatti regional studies.
Key words and phrases: советское краеведение, г. Тольятти, Александр Иванович Галанин, Самарская (Куйбышевская) область, Soviet regional studies, Togliatti, Aleksandr Ivanovich Galanin, Samara (Kuibyshev) region
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