Dimitrova Svetlana Vasil’evna
Volgograd State University
Submitted: 15.07.2020
Abstract. The study aims to determine consequences of extending the limits of human life and death, which was made possible under the influence of groundbreaking technologies and scientific knowledge. The article presents the main forms of affecting a person: tendency towards successfulness of actions turns an individual into an effective means; further scientific and technological development creates conditions for constructing a person, making them a goal of highly efficient actions. Scientific novelty of the study lies in introducing the notion of "artefact man", which has important methodological significance for determining humanism boundaries and shows uniqueness of the changes happening with existential entities. As a result, it was proved that possibility of preserving and prolonging people’s lives results in formation of a new type of reality with the "artefact man" in its centre. The new type of reality becomes a ground for transformations of such existential entities as life, death, freedom.
Key words and phrases: человек-артефакт, новая реальность, гуманизм, конвенциональная истина, artefact man, new reality, humanism, conventional truth
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